Saturday, February 7, 2009

February 6 - Friday Night Dinner

"And for the record, where did you work while attending Medical School?"



  1. I am dying here...where is the quote from? I should know this...Nice pic of the family!

  2. Carrie~ What!! You went to Hooters???? Now you know I am just kidding. I left a comment the other day at Patty's blog and wanted to leave one here to, to tell you that I feel very blessed to be able to keep in contact with you two. I hope you have a great weekend...nice family picture...

  3. Patty, lol, it's from Big daddy. :)

    Joann, yes, I went there. Their wings are gooooooood. Thanks for your kind words. I'm glad we're still able to keep in touch, too.

    Hope you and Roger are both feeling better and enjoying your weekend. :)
