Friday, January 9, 2009

January 9 - Commute from Hell

Today I started a temp job in downtown Ft. Wayne (just for a week). It's roughly 45 or 50 minutes away, so I left early to make sure I found the place okay. Just as I was leaving, Chuck ran out and said the interstate was closed in both directions. Apparently, a semi hauling cows crashed and there were cows running all over the place. I had to go several miles out of the way and go around and get back on the interstate. I was 5 minutes late, but this was a big story, so it was no big deal.

On the way home, traffic came to a screeching halt because of an accident. I was sitting there for 25 minutes before it starting moving again. I knew there was a reason I brought the camera today! Here I am, stuck in traffic. And yeah, that's ice dripping down my windshield.

Thank God I'm only working for a week! No comparison to SoCal traffic, but for a rural area that doesn't offer any nifty side streets... yeah, it sucks.