Thursday, January 29, 2009

January 28 - Broken Hearted

So, I ordered these glass hearts from eBay for the Valentine's Festivus tree and this is how they got here. Half had their loopy, hangy parts broken off. (That sounded so wrong.) These are glass and although they were wrapped with bubble wrap, they weren't placed in a sturdy box, just a thin plastic mailing envelope. Their original package was flimsy and there wasn't even a receipt included.

I'm a wee bit frustrated right now. I only order things from people with high ratings - the seller did have one - but the lack of decent wrapping will knock this guy's down a peg.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that wasn't very smart of him. Have you emailed him....what did he say?

    Also, noticed yesterday that we do, in fact, have Angry Whoppers. We can spell though ;-)
